Thursday, March 27, 2008

I can't win.

I'm ditching that idea about reviewing comic books that I read. I don't think too many people I know are all that interested. Besides, it takes too much time.

The other day, my girlfriend and I were sitting on the floor in my apartment, eating dinner at my coffee table. (I have a regular table too, with chairs and everything, but I like the floor sometimes.) She was complaining, mostly jokingly, that I talk to my cat more than I do to her. Just then, the feline in question leaped onto the table with a view to sampling our meal. I shouted, "Sofi, NO!" (Sofi is the cat's name.) My girlfriend looks at me and says, "See? Ignored again."


I just realized how weird, but funny, it would be if Sofi were my girlfriend's name, and I had reacted to the cat trying to steal our food by shouting at her. As if to say, "No, let her try some!"