There's nothing earth-shattering, or even really remotely important. It takes results from two papers that my author cowrote and mashes them together. My understanding is that at the end of last summer, or maybe at the end of winter break - I can't remember! - my advisor gave a talk at a workshop somewhere overseas. His talk included describing the results of these two papers, and saying that you could put these two results together. It was obviously true, but he thought about it and realized that it wasn't trivially true, so he put me to work on it, God bless him. It was probably more work for him to have me do it, since he had to guide me through most of it, so again, God bless him.
The title of this entry comes from something really cool I saw over the weekend. You may remember the TV show Mystery Science Theatre 3000, where a guy and a couple of robots (voiced by some other guy or guys) would watch old sci-fi movies and make fun of them. It was AWESOME. Well, some of the people involved set up a website called Riff Trax, where for a small fee you can download audio files that you play simultaneously with certain movies, which you have to obtain separately. The result is an MST3000-style situation, minus the robots. It's hysterically funny.
On Saturday my friends and I watched both The Matrix and Reign of Fire with Riff Trax accompaniment. (Of course, the former movie is spectacular, while the second is spectacularly awful, but vis-a-vis Riff Trax they are equally entertaining.) My favorite part was from the end of The Matrix, where Neo and Agent Smith are grappling on subway tracks as a train barrels down on them. At the last second, Neo does a slow-motion backflip off of the tracks onto the platform, dodging the train and leaving Agent Smith to get (temporarily) squished. (Of course, Neo probably only did a regular backflip, and the slow-motion was added later.) As this is happening, the Riff Trax audio says "Cirque du So long, sucker!" And just after that happened, I thought I was going to die for lack of air from laughing too hard.
I think I'm going to sign all of my future emails that way. (This is not strictly true. The first email I remember sending after seeing this was to my advisor, sending him my paper. I did not sign it that way. I hope.)
So how about this weather, huh? What an insane April! There are probably plenty of pictures posted already of all of the snow we've gotten, and unless they're dated, there's really nothing amazing about them. It's just snow! The only reason it's so remarkable is if you remember that a couple of days before you could wear shorts outside, comfortably. So instead I will post my reaction to going outside and finding all the snow.
Maybe I'll just send this photo at the end of every email instead. Hmmmmmmm......
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