Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it.

I'm so excited, because I'm going to go see The Dark Knight tonight, for the third time. It hadn't even occurred to me that it was still playing, but a friend of mine hasn't seen it yet and noticed it was there, so there it is.

There, now I am back from seeing the movie. And you wouldn't even know, except that I'm telling you! I wore my cool Batman hat, and even brought a little Batman action figure with me in my pocket. (I didn't take it out except during the movie in the dark, because I was afraid my friend would make fun of me.) Incidentally, the movie is still officially AWESOME. I mean, wow.

Saw some great previews, too. The trailer for Watchmen is incredible incredible (Dr. Manhattan looks fittingly magnificent and frightening, and Rorschach fittingly bad-ass and cool). The new James Bond movie seems like it will be pretty cool. I think Daniel Craig is such an interesting take on the character. He's much more rough and tumble, and he has a scary edge to him that seems more fitting than the somewhat untarnished flippancy of previous actors. And of course, there's The Day the Earth Stood Still. What can I say, except Klaatu barada nikto?

Earlier this evening I once again saw a particular commercial for The Olive Garden that always makes me chuckle. There's a bunch of people sitting at a table in the restaurant, and there's some sort of deal where you choose exactly which kind of pasta you want and exactly which sauce, and maybe something else. One fellow says that he's "done the math" on the pasta, and cites the number of possible combinations of pasta and sauce. His friend replies, "You do the math, I'll do the alfredo!"

I absolutely cannot wait until the next time I'm talking about math with someone, and the opportunity arises for me to utter this phrase, and I actually remember to do it. What an utterly magnificent non sequitur!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Good news, everyone!

I just heard about a very cool thing. Apparently, the genetic codes of the human genome and the pumpkin genome are 75% the same! Seventy-five percent! And pumpkins are awesome! (One reference for this is a slightly old article from The Atlantic Monthly.) Of course, I suspect that for some of us this figure is only a lower bound.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bon mots

I just want to jot down two neat things I read recently. The first is from Astonishing X-Men (3rd series) number 13.

"I'm totally cool. I'm totally calm, and I'm totally cool.
My calm is only exceeded by my cool. Which is total."

Shadowcat said that. The issue was written by Joss Whedon, as were the twelve before it and the twelve after it. His run on X-Men is probably my favorite ever.

The second is from a Halloween greeting card.

outside of card: "On Halloween, if you hear a creepy, continual scratching at the window, it's probably just a branch."

inside of card: "Zombies use them to reach the windows."