Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The answer is "Nope".

Is there anything in the world cuter than a baby all bundled up in winter clothes?
The answer is an emphatic "Nope".

Mike and I just started watching a movie. When we saw that the movie was, unexpectedly, rated R, I said, "Oh no! I don't know if I'm allowed to watch a movie like this!" Mike replied, "Do you want to call Sjamaar and find out?" (Sjamaar is my advisor.)


Last week I was down in my office in the math building, which, for those of you who are not familiar with the standard work habitat of a graduate student in the mathematics department at Cornell, is simply a cubicle in a large room full of cubicles. (I actually like it very much. As I've told people before, if I want to be alone, I can always go to my apartment, where I am, except under the most extraordinary circumstances, quite completely alone.)

So, I was in my office last week when I heard the communal phone ring. Since no one generally wants to answer the damn thing, and I was happy to step away from my work for a minute, I answered it. It was Professor DH. He asked if JA was there. I checked and found that he wasn't, and was asked by Professor DH to leave a note for him, which I agreed to do. I had just lifted a sheet of paper for said note, when the phone rang again. Again I answered it. Again, it was Professor DH.

The professor was part way through asking if MB was there when he interrupted himself to ask if he was talking to the same person as before. I said yes, and he asked if I wouldn't leave a copy of the same note on MB's desk. We were about to end the call when I had a thought. I asked if there was anyone else who needed this note. The professor said, "Well, I don't suppose GM is in that office also."

"Yes, he is, actually. I'll leave him a copy too."

"Ok, thanks so much."

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