Sunday, November 11, 2007

Dream come true.

This is a picture of my tongue after consuming a fruit punch-flavored lollipop. The pop itself was red, but for some reason turned my tongue extremely pink. I went up to my office mate and asked him if he wanted to see something weird. He said yes, so I stuck out my tongue. He gave out a little yelp and hopped back a bit.

I was thinking it might be fun to collect pictures of me with my tongue different colors, and in fact tonight I had a blue raspberry beverage at the movies and it turned my tongue blue. I took a couple of pictures with my phone, but for some reason they seem a lot more disgusting than the one above, so I'll try to repeat the experiment some other time.

It is not to this whole thing that the title of this entry refers. (I originally wrote that sentence ending in "to", but changed to avoid the hanging preposition. It seems much more awkward now, but I think it has a kind of fascinating ugliness.)

Tonight I got to do something I've thought about doing many, many times before. Have you ever been waiting to turn left at a red light, and the light is taking forever to change, and absolutely no other car is in sight anywhere? Have you ever thought about making a right turn on the red light, making a U-turn, and then going through the light that has not changed and so is still green?

Well, tonight I did it. I was waiting at a light, and for at least two solid minutes the light did not change. Absolutely, positively no one in sight. It was 2:30 AM. So I changed my directional signal from left to right, looked both ways (and indeed there was still no one in sight), and made the right turn. I went a very short way, put on my left turn signal, checked in front of me and behind me, and made a quick U-turn. The light was still unchanged (and indeed may very well be unchanged now still), so I went through it.

It. Was. Awesome.

I highly recommend you try it, at least once in your life.

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