Saturday, November 10, 2007

More solutions in the back of the book.

No, wait! I remember what I wanted to finish with.

Here is my solution to dealing with answers in the back of the book, if I am the teacher in charge. For each problem I assign, tell them to replace the numbers in the problem with different numbers I give them. So, they can still do the original problems and check their answers with the ones in the back of the book, but they don't know the answer to the assigned problem! And so the grader is off the hook.

I should say that, when I am taking a course, I greatly appreciate having the answers in the back. It's very helpful. I wish more advanced textbooks did this. I wish to God that more advanced textbooks did this. And some of them, God bless them, do. But solutions for more advanced texts are usually not short things, so I kind of understand why they're usually not included.

Solutions are good for students, but bad for graders.

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