Monday, November 19, 2007

I wish I could try kindergarten again

One of my students put this on the bottom of the front page of her homework assignment. Pretty darn cool. (The writing in green ink is mine. I don't usually grade in red.)

It strongly reminds me of stuff we did in kindergarten, except possibly for the Pi. But I don't know, maybe my kindergarten wasn't as advanced as everyone else's.

I realized that when I imagine people dressing up for school, I imagine everyone is wearing robes and House-colored ties like in the Harry Potter movies. Since we don't exactly have houses, our colors could be based on what we study. Symplectic things make me think of purple, and Lie group things make me think of green. Analysis should be red, and algebraic geometry yellow. Algebra makes me think of blue. I'm leaving a lot out. I'd have to give this some more thought.

And although I have nothing but warm feelings for purple and green, they are not generally my favorite colors to wear.

Which subject would be the mathematical equivalent of Slytherin? Hmmmmm...

I look forward to the day I graduate from Cornell. There are many reasons for this, but I think by far the most important one is that I'll get to wear a robe. This is dangerous though, because I'm pretty sure that once I put that robe on, it is never ever ever coming off again. Robes are a LOT of fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tim, I think that you should reconsider that robe idea, or at the very least stock your closet with half a dozen identical robes so you don't get all smelly.

And yes, that turkey and pi ROCKED.