Monday, September 14, 2009

Follow the white rabbit.

When I got on the bus this morning, I noticed that the bus driver had a tattoo on her calf of a little bus. It kind of looked like a school bus, but I couldn't tell for sure because it was just an outline, and not colored in yellow or anything. It was flesh-colored. I wonder if she became a bus driver before or after getting the tattoo. (Notice that, logically speaking, this last sentence is true no matter what.)

When I saw the tattoo, the phrase "Follow the white rabbit" popped into my head. Despite the fact that I hadn't received a mysterious message on my computer that morning telling me to "Follow the flesh-colored school bus", I guess I did end up doing just that, since I rode the bus to school. Nothing extraordinary happened there, though. In particular, no Trinity. Not yet, anyway. Hope springs eternal.

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